Friday, December 30, 2016

BRUSSELS: Paula and Hasnaa

 - PowerPoint

Speaking-Brussels_paulaandhasnaa de Paula García

- Video

- Comments 


I think that our presentation was great, apart from some mistakes
that we have to improve, like my intonation.
We have chosen Brussels because we both think that is beautiful
and we want to visit it one day. So in my opinion we did a good job 
and I want to do more presentations like this. 


 I think that our presentation was pretty good, we worked really hard on it . We practiced our enunciation and pronounciation and we tried to make it as pleasant as possible. We tried to gather the most useful and enlightening information for our audience. In our opinion we tried to engage with the audience, but we didn't really get them interested.



By: Ivan Almarza and Carlos Coronado

-Youtube presentation



 I think we have done a good job but we have lacked to include images and we have to improve our fluency.
We have had a lot of fun doing this work because we have learned many interesting things about Madrid.
I recommend everyone to visit Madrid because it is a very nice city and has many beautiful places to visit.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

We are Marta, Laura, Migue, Pablo, Manolo, Dani and Ana. We did a presentation about our trip to Galway. We spent hours doing it. I think it came out very well.

We put the basic facts, landmarks, atlantic school, symbols of ireland, Connemara-Kylemore Abbey, The Cliffs, irish dance, outdoor activities, the food, our host family, new friends and the conclusion.

I think the project was easyer and more interesting because we had been there all together, it's more boring if you do a project of a place if you haven't been there. We did a great job and I think we have done a good summary of our trip!

The comment of Galway

We are: Ana, Migue, Manolo, Pablo, Daniel, Laura and Marta.
Our class is 3 E.S.O A and we are very grateful for this trip!
We learnt the language and the tradition like the irish dance or the differents kinds of meals.
We enjoyed every moment: the cinema, the bowling alley, the tours... But we think that the Cliffs of Moher were the best landscape that we visited! 
And we didn't have words for express our gratitude for all the things that they did for us! In summary, we think that we did the best trip ever!❤🇨🇮😍💖🙌🏽👬👫👭‼
(This is the definitive comment, in the Migue's blog, there are a comment like that, but the comment is written by me and I'm Marta Ardid Ortega)

video of galway

Hi!! i'm Laura and i have a video of our trip to Galway

We have done a presentation about our trip to Galway.In the presentation we explained lot of things of our travel and Ireland.

The   PowerPoint   presentation :

Oral presentation in the class:

I have liked the way to make this work about our travel to Galway.
When we exposed all were so nervious but at the momento of speaking we started to talk and renember this awesome trip. I love the tem of this work because has been about other cities and travells.
Sandra Acedo Santamaría
 Laura Gonzalez Gomez



We had made an essay which it was exposed in class. This composition of manchester has different parts in which informs about some basic facts, where to go, what to do and who's from manchester; all of this accompanied with a map to locate where is this city.
Firstly, "some basic facts" is a little introduction about what is manchester, how many people are there in this city and other curious data. For example, "it lies within the united kingdom's second-most populous urban area, with a population of 2.55 million" or "it has got an area of about 115.6 square kilometres.
Secondly, "where to go" is perfect to know what places you should visit, like museum of science and industry, john ryland library or the imperial war museum, among others
Thirdly, "what to do" is essential because if you are going to manchester for the first time, you come to the city and you don't know what you are going to do, probably you will get bore. For this reason, this part is basic to recommend you activities which can be more entertaining.
Finally, "who's from manchester" informs you about some important people that are from there, like the football player wayne rooney, the actrees emily beecham and the band amplifier.
We think that this essay can be useful for people who have never visited manchester, because they can get important information of what will find in this city.


   This is the presentation.



This part was made by Marta on her post


we had the video in other post, on the Laura´s post.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


By Ángela Gutiérrez Molina & María García Torres Agea

-PowerPoint :



With respect to our presentation I think that it is not bad at all I think Rome is a very beautiful city that you have to visit,becasuse as we had say in our presentation there are a lot of monuments with a lot of history, a delicious gastronomy, many famous people...etc but that we have to improve the intonation.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Instructions to write your first post

We are approaching Christmas time and we don't want to forget the project upon which we worked in groups during the first term. That's one of the reasons why blogging helps improve our English and presentation abilites. We are going to upload the videos with our perfomances in class so that we can remember what we did well and what we need to improve. Another reason for blogging is sharing. Anyone around the world will be able to see our work in class.

Hence, here you have the different steps you need to follow to become blogging:

1. You teacher has sent an invitation to your gmail account.  Open it up and accept it.

2. Once in the blog, click on "New post" (entrada nueva).

3. Copy the link from your slideshare presentation. Remember that you need to copy the "insert" link and copy it into the HTML version of the editor from BLOGGER.

4. Register to slideshare if you need it.

This tutorial might also help you:

Only one member per team needs to upload the presentation, the youtube link and your feelings after having dealt with  the project.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Saint Patrick 's day celebration at 3º eso A in Ies Generalife

The Leprechaun

The Irish flag

The shillelagh

The Green color

The shamrock

And some Irish dancing